News & Resources in the eDiscovery Industry

Practical Uses for eDiscovery Software

Who can use eDiscovery software? Anybody. Everybody. That’s not hyperbole – Humanity creates roughly 2.5 quintillion bytes of data, as a species, per day. Someone’s got to review all of that information, right? 

Well, something’s got to review all of that information, and that something is like Reveal Brainspace. This type of AI program shows people what they’re missing, what’s important, and who’s tied to what. At its basest level, Reveal consolidates electronically-stored information, or ESI, for analysis and review in a single platform so that you aren’t opening Adobe for PDFs, Microsoft Word for Word documents, and so on and so forth. The AI component prioritizes important documents and helps to tell a story, which is how lawyers use it to win cases. 

Reveal Brainspace
Reveal Brainspace

Reveal Brainspace doesn’t have to be used just for a legal analysis or review, though. Who else can use Reveal Brainspace besides attorneys? 

  • Journalists: eDiscovery services allow journalists the opportunity to quickly cull through irrelevant information in order to focus on the real story. A reporter at the San Francisco Chronicle used the Everlaw platform to write a story about radioactive land. Their “Everlaw for Good” program expands opportunities to qualified nonprofits, law school clinics, and journalists. 
  • Policymakers and legislators: Look at the January 6 commission that is reviewing texts and emails from hundreds of alleged insurrectionists. Imagine if they could find relevant messages within minutes instead of days, weeks, or even months. 
  • Compliance departments: Reveal Brainspace can ensure compliance with corporate communication policies and examine emails anywhere along the thread. They’re able to see conversations in context and determine whether there was any breach in protocol. 
  • Educators and students: eDiscovery programs can be used to truly immerse oneself in the topic and learn about it on a personal level. What’s useful information? What’s relevant? Brainspace identifies what a student really needs to know. The program can be applied in legal clinics and assist in pro bono work. 
  • Human Resources and other corporate departments: Reveal AI can determine the sentiment level of a document or even find instances of pressure. This would be especially useful in cases of sexual harassment or office bullying. 
  • Government entities: Take the ENRON investigation as an example – it took Brainspace literal minutes to find what took months for government officials. 


By figuring out what not to review, what can be culled, what’s spam, and what’s a duplicate can save months if not years of review. By focusing on what’s important – taking enormous amounts of data and telling a cohesive story, by building a narrative Reveal Brainspace cuts through the noise and gets to the point. 

Need eDiscovery Consulting or Help?

Datamine Discovery is a sharp and agile Boston-based company that focuses on providing all eDiscovery Project Management services so you can focus on other things.  From legal hold to hosted data review and more, we can help you out so contact us today!
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